

It is my pleasure to offer a thank you and acknowledgement to everyone who donated to our unique Autumn Benefit “No-Gala” Fundraiser.

This year I was worried due to the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic and no in-person festivities, that our coffers would be low. Indeed the response has been gratifying. Despite all the demands on your finances, you were incredibly generous. To all of our sponsors: thank you for caring about Brookline’s seniors. Special thanks to our Diamond Sponsors: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Michael Merrill. A complete list of our donors can be found on page 42 & 43.

December is typically a time of year for giving, especially to those less fortunate. Please consider giving to the Brookline Senior Center as you are making your holiday donations. Please know that no matter whether it is a few dollars or a large gift, all donations are appreciated and well-utilized. To make a donation using a credit card, please go online: and click the DONATE button.

As 2022 comes to a much-anticipated end, I am reminded of how many people give their time, money and/or other resources to help Brookline’s seniors live with dignity and respect. All of your donations help keep the Senior Center a welcoming haven for our community’s older adults. Thank you to all!

Elizabeth (Betsy) Pollock
President, Brookline Senior Center