
September 2022 Brookline Senior Center Update & Newsletter

Happy Labor Day! The Senior Center will be closed on Monday, September 5th in observation of Labor Day. Tuesday, September 6th is Primary Day—please make sure to vote!

As always, there is an abundance of information in our monthly Senior News & Events. September is an especially busy month with a variety of programs to enjoy. You can find the September 2022 edition as well as any past or future editions of the newsletter here: Link to Newsletters.

Please take note of our new Around Town section. This month it begins on page 20. We are trying to fill the gap left when the TAB stopped its printed version. This month we are including an interview with Town Administrator Mel Kleckner, and real estate transactions. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please send to Unfortunately, COVID-19 continues to torment us. The Senior Center remains a mask-friendly environment, and we encourage mask-wearing to keep the community safe. The Senior Center is still distributing COVID-19 test kits, and urges the use of this tool. Please stay home when exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or any viral infection, and as always, consult with your physician for medical advice. Please join the town celebration of Brookline Day on Sunday, September 18th. This year the festivities will be in Coolidge Corner. Ruthann Dobek, Director Brookline Council on Aging/ Brookline Senior Center